Mohandas is a children film that explores the childhood experiences of Mahatma Gandhi. The film deals with Gandhi as Mohandas for around six years spanning from his childhood to adolescence.
Mohandas’ life in Rajkot is challenged by many events. He is born in a privileged caste and to a father who is a Diwan and to mother who nurtures conservative values. His childhood also witnesses an India that is full of inequalities on the basis of caste and a Foreign Company ruling the natives as brutes. Mohandas is so impressionable that he finds it difficult to be firm with his decisions and often finds himself getting attracted to worldly pleasures. He smokes, he tastes meat that his family prohibits, he involves in stealing, and to sustain his habits he lies. Gradually, these habits make Mohandas so different a child after a point he starts worrying about losing the self. More emphasis is laid on how Mohandas realizes his mistakes and understands the value of truth than on the events that perturbed his mind.
Mahatma to this generation still remains an enigma. For many, he is the father of our nation, but his life, especially his childhood, is limited to a few stories in the textbooks. The intention of this film is to portray Mahatma‘s childhood to highlight how simple his life was and yet how he faces the challenges of life.
For today‘s Children “bf India, anything about Mahatma Gandhi boils down to a holiday in the month of October and for the rest of the world he is the superhuman. This film breaks these stereotypes and intends to present what made an ordinary and fragile child Mohandas the Mahatma.
2018-19 being the 150th anniversary of Mahatma, this is the right time to tell the story of Gandhi as a child. With the objective of reaching wider audience we are planning to make the film in three languages (English, Hindi & Kannada).
Navyachitra Creations a production house working with regional cinema with small budgets for about two decades. Since the budget demanded by this project is beyond our limits, we are seeking co-production opportunities to reach the broader audience that the story deserves.