“Right to Live” is enshrined in Para 21 of Constitution of India, whereas there is no such provision for “Right to Die”. There have been different views on “Right to Die”. One of the propositions that is being put across is that there should also be a provision for ‘Dignified Death’ for a person who is shattered by unbearable problems of Old Age, or incurable disease, or situations of that kind. This film VIDAAYA took shape in this backdrop.
Vaasu is the father of two teenage children. After a serious accident, he is at present virtually a dead man, confined to bed for years. Loving care of his wife Meera is what seems to have kept him alive still.
Having totally lost his desire to live, Vaasu has been desperately pleading for help to end his life. But Meera is opposed to the very idea. A day comes when she had to agree to his wish, much against her own will. A petition is made to the Court for Passive Euthanasia (voluntary Death). While it pleases Vaasu, Meera has to face the agony of being projected in public as ‘ the wife who is trying to kill the husband’
Court rejects the Petition as per Law of the Land. The Verdict brings cheer to Meera. But Vaasu becomes even more dejected and depressed.
In the midst of it all, Supreme Court of India calls for a wider Public Debate on Euthanasia. About the same time, Vaasu’s condition becomes serious.
There is a need for a legal clarity so that medical practitioners all over the country can treat patients ethically and take ethically right decisions.
Today, many doctors are wary of it and it is very important to talk about these issues in areas where people consider speaking about death a ‘taboo.’ “I personally believe that everybody has the right to lead a quality life and have a dignified death,”
Produced by – Basant Kumar Patil
Written & Directed By – P.Sheshadri
cinematographer – Sbhakumar
Music – Raju
Cinematography – B.S. Shastri
Editor – B.S. Kemparaj
Meena – Lakshmi Gopalaswamy
Vaasuki – Suchendra Prasad
Cornel – H.G.DattatreyaKhazi
Ranjan – C.R.Shashikumar
Dr.Murthy Rao – Purushotham Talavata
Lawyer – Archana Sridhar
Son – Prathama Sheshadri
Daughter – : Prakruthi Prasad